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Vision and Values

Kaizen - meaning small steps to big dreams - is a dynamic, outstanding school. As part of Eko Trust we work with vigour and clarity to ensure all our children have the best possible start in their learning and at every stage of their educational transition. Our 5 key values drive everything we do by developing strong, trusting relationships with children, staff and families.


Our 5 Cs


The feeling of confidence is crucial to us all, especially in the uncertain world we live in today. At Kaizen, building children’s confidence runs through everything we do, from teaching children how to manage failure, understanding that mistakes are part of learning and talking directly to them about success and being brave. How we support each other as a team too, is embedded in continuous professional development and coaching and leadership development. We pride ourselves on developing everyone as leaders, whether that is how to lead yourself effectively, children, small teams or part of the organisation. Children have leadership roles within the school too from lunchtime play leaders, to pupil council to Head Boy & Head Girl roles. We offer 4 residentials: camping on the school field for Y4, a 2 night Fairplay House visit for Y5, Cricket Coaching for 3 nights for Y5 & 6 girls and a 3 day visit to France for Year 6. All of these experiences build children’s confidence, to become independent, brave young people.



The Kaizen team is a committed and stable team of wonderful people that come to work every day to do the best job they can for our children. Our children bring us joy every day, often with us learning from them and alongside them. We instil the importance of commitment to working hard, never giving up and being resilient when learning is tough.


As an outstanding school we strive for creative solutions, often going above and beyond for our children and families. We move quickly when needed, adapting ways of working and teaching that have the best outcomes. Leaders at all levels are trusted to make decisions on things that they lead on, having coaching opportunities in-house as well as coaching support from our central Trust team. We have a wonderful outside space with 1.4 acres of land, which includes our Forest School. This links directly into our curriculum design, giving children the opportunity to explore nature, the outdoors and make links with other areas of learning. Our focus on soft skills supports working as a team, problem solving and critical thinking.



Children are taught how to work collaboratively, through a strong culture of togetherness, language development and sense of team in all classes. Staff are supported at all levels, working in a range of teams, depending on key areas of the school. We have a distributed leadership model for Senior Leaders, as well as an expert team of Middle Leaders and Support Staff Leaders. Our Trust leadership framework helps us identify our strengths and areas of development, with opportunities to reflect and continue to learn on our journey.


Our 3 simple rules bring clarity and a sense of safety for all our children. At Kaizen we strive to be reading to learn, to be respectful and to be safe at all times. Everything leads from these 3 tenants, that create boundaries, structures and routines for our emotional safety. The team works closely with all our families, again going above and beyond to support. The strength of our Pastoral Team ensures that children have immediate access to therapeutic support, our families have workshops and guidance at all levels from phonics workshops to support with housing and social care. We have Thrive ambassador status which means we excel in delivering Thrive as an identification tool that supports children and their families.

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